- xeroderma ichthyotica 鳞癣性干皮病...
- xeroderma of Kaposi 卡波济氏干皮病,着色性干皮病...
- xeroderma pigmentosum 着色性干皮病,着色性皮萎缩...
- xerographic copy 静电阴刷拷贝...
- xerographic material 静电复印材料...
- xerographic printer 静电复印机...
- xerographic recording 静电印刷...
- xeronic acid 干酮酸;二乙基丁烯二酸...
- xerophthalmia parenchymatosa 眼球实质干燥...
- xerophthalmia superficialis 眼球表面干燥...
- xerosis conjunctivae 结膜干燥,眼干燥...
- xerosis corneae 角膜干燥...
- xerosis cutis 皮肤干燥,皮肤皮脂缺乏[症]...
- xerosis epithelialis conjunctivae 结膜上皮干燥...
- xerosis epithelialis corneae 角膜上皮干燥...
- xerosis infantilis 幼儿眼干燥...
- xerosis parenchymatosus 实质性结膜干燥(沙眼引起结膜瘢痕及泪管闭...
- xerosis pilorum 毛发干燥...
- xerosis superficialis 眼球表面干燥...
- xerotic keratitis 干燥性角膜炎(角膜软化前)...
- xerox data system 静电印刷数据系统...
- Xerox Network Service 施乐网络服务系统...
- xi hyperon Ξ超子...
- xial skeleton 中轴骨胳(头与脊柱的骨胳)...
- ximenic acid 西门木烯酸;二十六碳-17-烯酸...
- ximenynic acid 西门木炔酸;11-十八碳烯-9-炔酸...
- Xin Hua lime 新华石灰...
- xiphisternal crunching sound 剑突摩擦音...
- xiphisternal joints 剑突胸骨关节...
- xiphocostal ligaments 肋剑突韧带...
- xiphoid angles 肋弓角...
- xiphoid appendices 剑突...
- xiphoid cartilages 胸骨剑突...
- xiphoid ligament 肋剑突韧带...
- xiphoid ligaments 肋剑突韧带...
- xiphoid process 剑突...
- Xiphophorus test 剑鱼试验(检雄激素)...
- xiphosternal crunch 剑突磨擦音...
- XMS memory 扩充内存...
- XMS memory locked 扩充内存锁定...
- Xuan paper 宣纸...
- xy plotter XY绘图器...
- xy recorder XY记录器...
- xy-cut crystal XY截面晶体...
- xylanbassoric acid 木聚糖黄蓍酸...
- xylem rays 木射线...
- xylene balsam 二甲苯香脂...
- xylene bromide 溴代二甲苯...
- xylene chloride 氯代二甲苯...
- xylene dichloride 二氯二甲苯;二氯代二甲苯...
- xylene dihalide 二卤二甲苯;二卤代二甲苯...
- xylene disulfonic acid 二甲苯二磺酸...
- xylene equivalent 二甲苯当量...
- xylene fluoride 氟代二甲苯...
- xylene halide 卤代二甲苯...
- xylene iodide 碘代二甲苯...
- xylene monochloride 氯代二甲苯...
- xylene monosulfonic acid 二甲苯磺酸...
- xylene musk 二甲苯麝香;三硝基二甲叔丁苯...
- xylene tetrachloride 四氯代二甲苯...
- xylene trichloride 三氯代二甲苯...
- xylenesulfonic acid 二甲苯磺酸...
- xylenesulfonyl chloride 二甲苯磺酰氯...
- xylenol blue 二甲苯酚蓝...
- xylenol carboxylic acid 二甲苯酚酸;二甲苯酚羧酸...
- xylenol orange 二甲酚橙...
- xylenol resin 二甲苯酚树脂...
- xylenol salicylate 水扬酸二甲苯酚...
- xylenol-formaldehyde resin 二甲苯酚甲醛树脂...
- xylic acid 二甲苯酸,二甲苯甲酸二甲苯甲酸二甲苯酸...
- xylidic acid 4-甲基-1,3-苯二甲酸甲苯二酸...
- xylidinic acid 甲基苯二甲酸...
- xylite-phthalic resin 邻苯二甲酸木糖树脂...
- x and z demodulation X和Z解调...
- x bodies 普利默氏体,杆状巴尔通氏体...
- X chromosome X染色体...
- X direction 横轴方向...
- x disease X病...
- x fever X病(原因未知病,牲畜皮肤角化症,黄曲霉...
- X format code X格式代码...
- X particle n.粒子,介子...
- x punch X打孔...
- X ray X射线,X光,X光照片...
- x rays X[射]线,伦琴[射]线...
- X Remote XRemote协议...
- X thorium 钍X...
- X tubes X形管...
- X Window XWindow窗口软件...
- X Windows Protocol XWindows协议...
- X zone X线,雄激素带(胚)...