- identifier name 标识符名字...
- identifier pointer 标识符指示字...
- identifier protection 标识符保护...
- identifier word 标识符字...
- identifter word 识别字...
- identify A with B 认为A等同于B,把A和B看成一样...
- identify element 识别元...
- identify oneself with 与...打成一片...
- identify sb with sth 认为某人与...有关...
- identify with sb 同情某人...
- identify with sth 对某事有同感...
- identifying mark 识别标记...
- identifying stamp 识别印章...
- identifying the payee of a check 鉴定支票的收款人...
- identity card 身份证...
- identity certificate 身份证明书...
- identity declaration 等同说明...
- identity definition 等同定义...
- identity document 身份证件...
- identity element 全同元件...
- identity function 恒等函数,"是"函数...
- identity gate 全同门;符合门...
- identity graph 么图...
- identity group 单位元素群...
- identity law 同一律...
- identity mapping 恒等映象...
- identity matrix 单位矩阵,恒等矩阵...
- identity of an individual 对一个人的认定同一...
- identity of lost goods 失物相符...
- identity of views 观点一致...
- identity operation 全同操作...
- identity period 等同周期...
- identity permutation 恒等排列...
- identity principle 鉴定原则...
- identity principle(of microparticles) (微观粒子)全同性原理...
- identity relation 等同关系,恒等关系式...
- identity relator 等同关系符...
- identity ring 么环...
- identity rooted tree 么有限树...
- identity selector 等同选择器...
- identity test 鉴定试验...
- identity tests 鉴定试验...
- identity transform 恒等变换...
- identity tree 么树...
- identity unit "全同"单元,"全同"部件...
- identity unity 全同单元...
- ideo-obsessional constitution 固执观念体质...
- ideogenous pain 想象痛,意想痛...
- ideographic character 表意字符...
- ideographic encoding 字形编码...
- ideokinetic apraxia 意想运动性运用不能,观念运动性失用...
- ideological and political work 思想政治工作...
- ideological criminal 思想犯...
- ideological eduction 思想教育...
- ideological obstructions 思想障碍...
- ideomotor centers 意想运动中枢...
- ideomotor movement 意想性运动,精神性运动...
- idiodynamic control 肌营养神经控制...
- idiomorphic crystal 自行结晶...
- idiomuscular contractility 肌自身收缩性...
- idiomuscular contraction 肌自身收缩...
- idiomuscular contracture 肌自身挛缩...
- idiopathic abscess 自发性脓肿...
- idiopathic anemia 原发性贫血...
- idiopathic chloasma 自发褐黄斑...
- idiopathic chloranemia 特发性绿色贫血,特发性低色(指数)性贫血...
- idiopathic disease 特发病...
- idiopathic epilepsy 特发性癫痫...
- idiopathic erysipelas 自发性丹毒...
- idiopathic familial generalized osteophytosis 特发性家族性全身骨赘病,肥大性皮[肤]骨...
- idiopathic fever 特发性热...
- idiopathic hypercalcemia of infants 婴儿特发性血钙过多...
- idiopathic hypercalcemic sclerosis of infants 特发性婴儿血钙过多性硬皮病...
- idiopathic hypertrophy 特发性肥大...
- idiopathic hypochromemia 特发性低色[指数]性贫血...
- idiopathic hypochromic anemia 特发性低色[指数]性贫血...
- idiopathic infantilism 自发性幼稚型...
- idiopathic multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma 特发性多数出血性肉瘤...
- idiopathic muscular atrophy 特发性肌萎缩,进行性肌营养不良...
- idiopathic muscular spasm 特发性肌痉挛...
- idiopathic myocarditis 特发性心肌炎,菲德勒氏心肌炎...
- idiopathic nephralgia 特发性肾痛...
- idiopathic nephritis 自发性肾炎...
- idiopathic neuralgia 自发性神经痛...
- idiopathic neutropenia 恶性中性白细胞减少,粒细胞缺乏症...
- idiopathic purpura 特发性紫癜...
- idiopathic resorption 自发性吸收...
- idiopathic roseola 自发性蔷薇疹,特发性玫瑰疹...
- idiopathic slossitis 自发性舌炎,主质性舌炎...
- idiopathic steatorrhea 特发性脂肪痢...